3D wooden triptych world map Nordic

Sale price€224,19 Regular price€448,00
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Das Problem bei Wanddekoration heute ist, dass du wissen musst, welche Stücke gut zusammenpassen müssen. Mit unserer 3D Holz Triptychon Weltkarte Nordik hast du die Chance, in Kunstwerke zu investieren, die ausreichen, um jede Inneneinrichtung zu verschönern.

Color: Ocean
size: Medium
In stock


A triptych world map will look impressive to anyone looking at the wall from both ends. If you're looking to delight every guest who passes by (and it might even stop them!), this triptych will make an excellent central figure in any room.

Whether you need to cover a long, boring wall in a living room, bedroom, kids' room, study or even bathroom, a wooden world map will do wonders to make the space cozier, more natural and equally stylish.

Neither the interior design nor the color palette of the room is important - three separate frames will look exceptionally good in a rustic, modern, industrial or any other interior. The equally sized frames blend into clean and uninterrupted lines without visually overloading the wall.

For anyone out there who is stuck in the gift hunt for Christmas, Birthday, Thanksgiving, Easter or any other event...get ready to impress the recipient with a unique and stylish decor piece!

The assembly process is quick and easy. We provide our customers with step-by-step instructions. Before you know it, the artwork will make a bold design statement!

PLEASE NOTE: The map is not geographically correct, some smaller countries and islands may be missing. Each card is unique, so the shades will vary as each piece is unique.


Handgefertigt in der Ukraine, besteht das hölzerne Triptychon aus umweltfreundlichem, bewährtem Birkenholzsperrholz. Das Material hält dem Test der Zeit stand und ist wasserfest.


hochwertige Faserplatte


Englisch (kann angepasst werden)


20 mm

Handgefertigt in


Internationales Patent


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